Even in times of crisis, natural referencing is there to allow your brand to remain visible even without an advertising budget.
Betting on natural referencing is the most profitable long-term strategy because you attract many qualified visitors without paying for each click.
In evaluating a business, the ability of its website to generate recurring revenue brings value to your brand.
The functioning of SEO could be similar to the creation of a house: each brick laid allows you to build a little more and obtain better positions.
Natural referencing brings results that are very easy to measure and that are easily accessible thanks to the tools that we put at your disposal.
Natural referencing will allow you to be visible with great stability over time and allows you to develop serenely.
Search volumes, difficulty, opportunities, we select with you high value-added keywords for your commercial prospecting on the internet.
UEffective natural referencing requires links from other sites. These should be selected carefully. Our SEO consultants take care of everything!
Every week we follow the evolution of your positions on the selected keywords thanks to specific SEO monitoring tools.
What are your competitors doing? What keywords are they using? What volume of natural visitors do they attract? We study the competition on the web.
We set benchmarks to judge the quality of the SEO acquisition channel. Thus we can establish the return on investment of the actions carried out.
Every month, receive a performance report, check in with your SEO consultant to adjust the target if necessary.